Are you wondering if cannabis dispensary permits are transferrable? There are many states which have made it
clear that their permits cannot be transferred once they are granted. In the state of California which was the
first state to make cannabis legal has outlined in its rules that once licenses
are given, they cannot be transferred.
As far as changing laws are concerned in other states, transferring of
cannabis permits may not be allowed.

What this basically means
is that cannabis dispensary permits cannot be sold as a personal property. However, the business owner can still sell
the company as part of a stock purchase or a membership. The market will not remain healthy for those
who sell their licensed businesses and this is the reason this is not
encouraged as well. There are also
prohibitions on licensing limitations and vertical integration that people
planning to do cannabis business must know.
In many of these legalized states, the rules come from a statute which
serves as a baseline for the rules.
Combining various types of cannabis dispensary permits and licenses are
also prohibited. This is the reason
people must keep the prohibitions in mind when deciding on what type of license
they want to obtain for their business.
If you are wondering
how to open a medical cannabis business, then take our cannabis business workshop at
California college for cannabis, in San Diego, Pasadena and Sacramento;

how to open a medical cannabis business Our attorneys and industry leading network of professionals will be hosting a to go over all aspects of cannabis business licensing, start-up and operation.

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